Woodfuel for Rural Estates

This one day seminar is designed to introduce those working with farms and estates to the opportunities provided by woodfuel for self-supply from woodland and forest resources and the chance to look beyond estate boundaries to other opportunities in the renewable energy sector. The seminar introduces the concept of renewable energy and looks in more detail at the opportunities afforded by woodfuel including woodfuel heating technologies and woodfuel processing and handling equipment. The seminar also involves a visit to a working woodfuel boiler system. 

You can book by emailing:  ignite@ruraldevelopment.org.uk, Phoning:  01670 513292, or by post to: Rural Development Initiatives Ltd, The Old Stables, Greys Yard, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 1QD

For more detail on the seminar content, please click here

To be eligible for RDPE funding you must be engaged in a business, organisation or social enterprise, which is dependent on agriculture or utilises any agricultural products or on woodland or utilises any woodland or forest products. Trainees must spend at least 50% of their time directly involved in farming, forestry or horticulture.  If you are not eligible for funding you can still attend the course but will have to pay a higher fee.