7th EuroFire Steering Group meeting

RDI’s Leonardo da Vinci-funded wildland fire management project, EuroFire, brings together partners with international expertise and experience in wildland fire research, management and training in order to develop, evaluate, produce and distribute a new European-wide, multi-lingual on-line training resource.  The project will research and review competency-based wildfire training systems and identify good practice examples from Europe and around the world.  This research will then inform the production of competency-based basic training materials specifically for use in European countries and draw this together into one, on-line and readily accessible website in a form that is appropriate to all end users.  When complete, this will provide a module-based training resource that can be used by industry practitioners to update their knowledge, learn new skills or increase their understanding of wildfire management techniques. 

For more information on Eurofire please click here.