Ignite: Woodfuel Quality Standards
Event Details
The Ignite Woodfuel Quality Standards course is essential training for anyone involved in the production of woodfuel. It includes the latest information on how to maintain compliance with the Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) and RHI land use and sustainability criteria, it provides a commercial insight into quality assurance and third party schemes such as Woodsure and ENPlus and provides a technical introduction to specifications and standards in use for woody biomass fuels including ONORM, BS-EN and BS-EN-ISO.
This one day course covers the key legislation and sustainability criteria which need to be considered during the production and specification of woodfuel. The day is divided into four sessions, including an outdoor based practical and demonstration:
- BS-EN and BS-EN-ISO Standards
- Specifying Woodfuel
- Chipping & Sampling
- Fuel Quality Assurance including meeting BSL requirements
The full course content can be accessed here.
The course is delivered by our qualified trainers with over 10 years of experience in delivering Ignite Woodfuel training courses.
Cost: Courses cost £180.00* (inc VAT) per person which includes Lantra Awards certification fees, handbooks and catering on the day. Funding may be available to help reduce the cost of courses. Please contact the office for more details.
* Members of Woodsure, the Wood Heat Association and the Confor Woodfuel Suppliers Group can take advantage of a 10% discount on course fees – just let us know at time of booking.
For further information or to book a place on this course, please contact Erica Spencer by telephone on 0845 226 2890 or by e-mail – erica.spencer@ruraldevelopment.org.uk
or complete the BOOKING FORM here.