Ignite Woodfuel Production and Supply

16/09/2014 - 18/09/2014

Event Details



.. is the original 3 day Lantra Awards accredited course providing trainees with a comprehensive introduction to woodfuel production and supply.  Modules covered include fuel types, energy characteristics, woodfuel resources, fuel quality control, weight and volume conversions, fuel use calculations, boiler systems, processing technology, financial analysis and economic modelling of supply chains including Renewable Heat Incentive returns.  Using real world practical examples of woodfuel supply chain development and successful practice, this course has been instrumental in kick-starting the UK woodfuel industry.

Cost: full cost, which includes Lantra Awards registration and certification, all course material, refreshments and post-course mentoring via telephone or e-mail is £400+VAT.  However RDPE funding may be available subject to certain eligibility criteria.  If a trainee does qualify for the funded rate, the course will be invoiced at £120+VAT 

Members of the Wood Heat Association and the Confor Woodfuel Suppliers Group can take advantage of a 20% discount for all our ignite courses if they are not eligible for the RDPE funded rate – just let us know at time of booking.

Download the course agenda here – Ignite3dayLANTRACACourseOutline2014