Ignite: Woodfuel for Farms and Estates
Event Details
A one day introduction to woodfuel for those wishing to utilise or supply woodfuel. Choice of installation and both the economic and environmental benefits are included. The comparative advantages and disadvantages of logs, woodchips and pellets are discussed, the choice of fuel store and delivery options considered and the fuel use calculated taking into account moisture content and energy value. The course is concluded by comparing the likely annual energy usage for required installations. Overall fuel costs are shown and how RHI payments tie-in to this but the importance of producing a woodfuel procurement ‘route-map’ in relation to quality and reliability of supply is emphasised.
Cost: £150+VAT*
* Part funding may be available through Farming Connect or the FFF Project. To check eligibility for funding or to book a place, please contact Janet Rowlands at MWMAC Ltd by phone on 01597 810306 or e-mail janet@mwmac.co.uk.
Ignite Introduction to Woodfuel Farms and Estates Course Outline 2013