Harvesting machinery demo


Event Details

Supporting investment in forestry businesses – Operational examples of types of eligible machinery in a woodland setting

This FREE event, run by Forest Research Technical Development team, comprises a short guided tour aiming to show examples of types of small to medium scale harvesting and extraction equipment working in the wood. Our aim is to include smaller harvester, forwarder, tractor mounted winch and primary processing equipment on the active sites.

This will be particularly relevant to forestry businesses involved in harvesting and extracting in smaller and potentially more sensitive woods.

Tours will last approximately 1½ hours, run at intervals throughout the event period. Groups will betaken a short distance by mini-bus to the working demonstrations to see equipment in use and hear of performance and issues encountered on site from the operators and supervisors involved.

A display area is planned with further examples of relevant equipment which visitors can view at their own pace.

Do I need to book?

Book your free place by contacting Forestry Commission England: yorkshirenortheast@forestry.gsi.gov.uk

Numbers are limited so early booking is recommended

Machinery Demo Barningham 17th-18th March 2016 Flier