Best Practice Burning Workshop
Event Details
Burning as a management tool can be traced back many centuries, whether on heather, acid grasslands or bogs. The practice was carried out to produce fresh grazing for livestock and, by the beginning of the nineteenth century, increases in sheep grazing and, more importantly, grouse shooting led to an intensification of moorland management by fire. Today burning is seen as an integral approach to how these habitats are managed for a range of commercial, ecological or wildlife objectives.
Students will cover:
- Legal requirements and the Heather and Grass Burning Code
- Health and Safety
- Risk Assessments
- The reasons to use burning as a management tool
- How to draw up a burning plan
- Good and bad practice
- Post-burn assessment
This course, run in conjunction with the National Gamekeepers Organisation, covers the requirements for burning best practice. It includes a site visit and lunch. The cost is £35.00 pp + VAT.
To book please call 01765 609355 or contact Erica at